Wednesday, October 24, 2012

So you had a bad day....

Well, not lately...this happened about a year ago, but I wasn't blogging then, so I'm telling you about it now...

October is by definition a busy month around my house.  My daughter is in band (I might've mentioned that...) and we have lots of ballgames and competitions during the month.  Needless to say, by the time October is over, I'm exhausted.  This particular day happened at the end of marching season last year.

First.....I had been battling a poison ivy breakout on my arms for about a week and a half, and it wasn't getting any better.  I decided it was time to see the doctor about it.  So I went, and ended up getting 3 different shots for it. husband called, and had locked himself out of his truck, the house, everything.  We live about 10 min out of town, so I had to go home, and unlock the house for him.

Luckily (I guess??) we hadn't left for the band competition yet, which was 3 hours away.  He would've just been out of luck until we got back.

So, not wanting to tempt fate, I decided to ride to the competition with one of the other band moms.  The trip there was uneventful.  But after a trip like that, the first thing I want to do, is use the bathroom and get something to eat.  Then we usually settle in for several hours of marching band performances.  This day was no different, except that AFTER using the bathroom and getting my food, I stepped wrong going back to the bleachers, and twisted my ankle.  But I held onto my food! (Hey, I have my priorities straight!)

So I limped back up the bleachers and got settled back in my spot.  Watched several bands, ate my food, etc.  Later, when I was thirsty, I limped back to the concession stand for a bottle of water, which I promptly dropped UNDER the bleachers the minute I sat down.  Hadn't even opened it yet! (These bleachers were enclosed around the bottom, so there was no hope of getting it back.  I ended up sending a band kid to buy me another one!)

So I'm thinking this day cannot possibly get worse, right? By the way, don't EVER say that...'cause it will!  For most of the competition, we had been observing this group of birds that were circling on the other side of the field. (I bet you can see where this is going.....don't spoil it......just let me tell you.....)

Well, for the past couple of bands, they had been moving closer and closer to OUR side of the field.  So at one point, I heard this unmistakable sound.  Sort of a "SPLAT" kind of sound.  So I took off my visor, and yep, you guessed it.  One of those birds had CRAPPED on my cap.  I guess an optimist would say, "At least it wasn't your head."  I probably would've too, if the universe hadn't been crapping on my head all day!!!

So there you have it, my really bad, sucky, need a do-over day.

And the friend I rode down there with?  We got pulled over on the way back....15 min from home....

Happy Humpday....


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