Monday, December 10, 2012


OMG!  Can it really be almost a MONTH since I posted anything here???  I wouldn't believe it, but I see by my "last published" date when I signed in that it has!  I bet you people thought I had died!  Well, except for my ONE for sure reader who also happens to be my bestie.  She knows I'm ok, cause I talk to her EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.  She's awesome.

But back to ME!  Let's see.  Thanksgiving was awesome.  Company like crazy and all my food came out wonderful (wonderfully? what's the proper grammar here?).  My husband said it was the juiciest, tastiest turkey he's ever eaten.  High praise from my marital turkey connoisseur.  And my giblet gravy was equally scrumptious, if I do say so myself.  So mark one holiday activity as successfully accomplished!

Did I mention that we also have several family members whose birthdays are between the last week in October thru the end of December?  Yeah, you'd think that would complicate things wouldn't you?  Well you'd be right!!!  So, in addition to the "normal family" (is there any such thing?) stuff at Thanksgiving, we also have to have a mini birthday party too.  That went pretty well also, except for the smaller children who couldn't understand why they couldn't also open ALL THOSE PRESENTS under the tree! ("But it's got my NAME on it!")  Second holiday activity...check!

So, now we're getting down to it.  Christmas is practically upon us.  Almost done with my shopping, just lacking a few stocking stuffers for my teenager who SWEARS she still believes.  (It might have something to do with the fact that.....when she was little she asked me if Santa was real.  And of course I said he was real as long as you keep believing in him.  The minute you stop, he stops bringing you presents.)

But before all that happy crappy, we still have a High School Band Holiday concert, tomorrow night.  Then a week from tomorrow, we're having our annual band fundraiser, Supper with Santa.  Much coolness.  The Jazz Band plays, we have a silent auction, we serve chili, Santa is there for picture taking.  A fun time is had by all, and a very worthy cause gets a much needed boost to its bank account.   Oh, and in there somewhere is one or two of those pesky birthdays.

NOW do you know why I've neglect you, my bloggies?  I will try (TRY, I said!) to do better in the future....

Happy Monday!

PS.....What's up with this crazy weather?  Had to have my A/C on yesterday and the heater today!  REALLY?

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