Monday, October 15, 2012

Dresses and jewelry and shoes...oh my!

Sorry I've not posted in a few's been a little crazy in my corner of the world for a few days.

On Thursday, my daughter called right after school and said, "Mom!  We have to go shopping!  I got Junior Homecoming maid!"

Now, I'm not sure how Football Homecoming works where you live, so I'll give you the 411 on ours.....

Our "high school" consists of grades 7-12.  Each class votes for their member of the Homecoming Court.  7th and 8th grade each get one maid, while 9-11 get two, and the Senior Class gets 2, plus the Queen. They vote about a week beforehand, giving the moms ONE weekend to find the perfect dresses.  Yes, I said dresses.  Plural.  They have to have one, for the presentation of the court at school, where the football players escort them out.  Then, that night, they have another presentation, at the game.  In that one, the father's escort them out.  Much ado and fanfare you see.  I'm telling you, it's bigger than prom.  (At prom you only need one dress.)

But you see, I didn't HAVE an entire weekend to find the dresses, because we spent all day Saturday an hour from home at a band competition. (The band did VERY well, BTW.  We came home with 8 trophies!)

So, Munchkin and I, my BFF, and her two nieces set out yesterday on the dress search. Oh, and did I mention that the nearest mall is an hour away?

The first place we went had a TON of dresses.  She tried on and tried on and tried on.  We found a couple of contenders but nothing that screamed, "the one."  She had looked online at several also, but none of them seemed to be in the store.

Then, after we had sent the nieces to go look at Sunday dresses for of them comes tearing back across the store with a dress that Munchkin had seen online.  (She was very proud of herself, not that I can blame her.)

I tell you, my child was MEANT to have this dress....not only was it in her size, and looked fabuloso on her, but when we checked out, we found out that store doesn't even CARRY that dress.  It had been returned one hour earlier by someone who bought it in another city 4 hours away!!!  Tell me fate doesn't exist!

So that took care of one dress.  Now, she's had homecoming maid before.  Once for basketball in 8th grade, and football in 9th.  (Yes, this kid is way prettier and far more popular than I ever thought about being.)  Anyway.  My "go to" place for these kinds of dresses has always been....well, a national chain, who recently changed its "business model."  I won't mention their name, but their initials are JCP.  Ahem.

Well, changing their business model is an understatement.  That store had FIVE dresses.  All floor length, which simply isn't done.  (Those are reserved for pageants, dontchaknow.)  And this skinny kid of mine wears a ONE.  These were well, let's just say, several sizes bigger than that.  And no, I wasn't in the wrong section.  This was ALL they had.  Very disappointing.

So we ended up back at another store where she had found a dress she "might" want, and got that one.  Black and sequins, and she's dressing it up with a (hot) pink belt, matching shoes, necklace, all that jazz.  It looks really cute on.

And it only took us 5 hours!!

I hate to admit it, but I'm gonna miss this stuff after she graduates...

Happy Monday!


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