Wednesday, September 12, 2012

New Loves

Have you ever noticed how exciting something is when it's new?  I remember being a kid and learning to ride a bike, the first time I smoked a cigarette (a quitter for over 17 years now, and I still miss it).  Driving, sex, new music.  None of this stuff is in any particular order, of course.
I also remember somewhere around 1990-91....discovering the internet.  SO much information and SO many places to find it!  Of course, the new wears off of anything, and the internet was no different.  Now it's just a tool we use to find things out.  Stuff we used to have to actually pull out a book for, or Heaven forbid, go to the library!
I also discovered a treasure trove of genealogy sites soon after discovering the internet which just so happened to coincide with my discovery of genealogy itself.  And being an information junkie can imagine my joy!
I hadn't made a discovery of anything new in several years, but recently I have.  And it's the blogosphere. (Cue angelic music).  SO many people willing to open up their lives and tell us about it.  And they all sound like they are talking directly to ME.  (Yes, I know they aren't. But still.) 
I love hearing about all of Jen's organizing tips over at I Heart Organizing.
I cry and laugh along with all of Mir's readers when she tells us about all of Monkey's shenanigans and all of Chickie's problems and successes over at Woulda Coulda Shoulda.
There are SO many good ones out there, I could quit my job and just read, read, read.  But I can't do that, so I just pick thru and find my favorites.
My most recent discovery is Katie at Can't Get There From Here. Most blogs, I go back and read a little ways back and try to get the gist of who they are and if it's a blog I want to follow.  But this one?  I was hooked.  I've gone back to the beginning (2008!).  At the moment I've made it to October of 08, but I plan to read the whole thing.  She has a great writing style and she's funny too.
Jump over there and just TRY not to get hooked.

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