Thursday, September 20, 2012


Have I mentioned that I like to eat?  I was that "skinny" kid in high school.  And I mean to the point that being asked if I was anorexic was a regular occurrence. (I wasn't, by the way...)  When I found out at 25 that I was pregnant, I weighed a whopping 106.  Yes, that's in pounds.
So I never had to worry about what I ate.  Hence, I never learned to eat right.  I'm still not what you would call fat, but I weigh more than I'd like.  Unfortunately, I learned to cook BEFORE I needed to do it right.
Having said's what I fixed for supper tonight:

  • Pork chops: salt, pepper, flour, deep fry. (I used to fry them in a skillet, but it takes too freaking long, and they're better deep fried anyway.)
  • Fried green tomatoes: slice paper thin, salt, pepper, corn meal, fry. (Deep fry or pan fry.  I pan fried, because, HELLO, I had pork chops in the deep fryer!) (And if you are from some weird part of the country where they don't actually eat fried green tomatoes, you MUST try them.)
  • Homemade white gravy:  melt bacon grease (I told you I don't cook healthy!), add flour, milk, cook until it's gravy.  (Hard to explain how to do it, it just takes practice.)
  • Whole kernel corn: dump in a bowl and nuke.
  • Green beans:  dump in a pan, add salt and bacon grease (I'm telling you, bacon grease comes from the food gods).  Simmer until done.
I ate my fair share, but not enough so I was foundered.*
I've really tried to cut back on the amount I eat, even if it's not that healthy, maybe eating less will keep me from having to be removed from my house with a crane at some point.

So happy Thursday, and I hope you enjoyed your supper as much as I did!



2  [foun-der]  Show IPA
verb (used without object)
(of a ship, boat, etc.) to fill with water and sink.
to fall or sink down, as buildings, ground, etc.: Built on aformer lake bed, the building has foundered nearly ten feet.
to become wrecked; fail utterly: The project founderedbecause public support was lacking.
to stumble, break down, or go lameas a horse: His mountfoundered on the rocky path.
to become ill from overeating.

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