Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday Blahs.....

Happy Friday!  

(Do I sound like I'm in a Friday mood??  I'm not!)

Not sure why, I usually LOVE Fridays, but for some reason, I'm in a funk today  lately.  It might be from being broke most of the time.  But at least I HAVE a job.  There are lots who don't.  Should I make this a day for counting my blessings?  I'm a little on the superstitious side, so just picture me knocking on wood like crazy as I type this. (That's not easy to do, either!)

  • As I said, I HAVE a job.  It may not be the million dollar a year job that I'd like to have, but it pays (most of) the bills.  And it's not a stressful job.  The last one I had made me want to pull my hair out on occasion.
  • I have a wonderful husband and daughter.  They both make me laugh on a regular basis.  And I am SO looking forward to the young woman my daughter is turning into.  I grow prouder of her every day.
  • I'm healthy, for the most part. My husband swears I'm a hypochondriac.  (I told him, "No, there's just a crap-ton of stuff wrong with me!)  I have the normal stuff wrong with me, high blood pressure, heartburn, etc.  Just comes with the territory of getting older.  (Right?)
  • I have a roof over my head, and food to eat.  (Too much food, probably!)
  • I have a dog that loves me.  (My daughter thinks he's HER dog, but that dog is MINE.)  Isn't he adorable???

I could make this list a lot longer, but these were the first things that popped into my head.  Not a bad list for doing it spur of the moment, huh.  

I guess I should just shut cheer up and be happy, huh....

After IS Friday!

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