Saturday, September 29, 2012

The Thanksgiving Thumb Fiasco

Random Memory Story:

Munchkin was almost 6, and in Kindergarten.  To set the scene, we have Thanksgiving at my house every year.  Not a huge family, but still, anywhere from 10-15 people show up.  My house isn't very big, so it always feels packed.  This particular year, we had eaten, cleaned up, napped, watched football.  All the normal Thanksgiving fare.  Most of the family were gone.  It was just me, my mom, and her sister visiting in the kitchen, while Munchkin played in the living room and my Uncle did some paperwork on the couch.

All was peaceful until I heard a thump and a bloodcurdling scream.  Coming from my 6 year old daughter.  She had been playing with/on some folding chairs in the living room when one of them folded up on her (hence the name).  When it folded, it trapped BOTH her thumbs IN the chair.

Suffice it to say, I moved faster than I think I ever had before.  Faster still was my Uncle.  He had her up and out of that chair before I could get into the room.  Frankly I don't know what would've happened if he and my Aunt hadn't been there.

Cause people, I FREAKED.  (Yes, with big, bold, capital letters, italics and all.) Mentally I'm having visions of lost thumbs, learning to write with toes, tying shoes with her get the picture. What my EYES actually saw were two FLAT thumbs.  I'm not talking a little bit squished.  I'm talking FLAT.  Between the tip of her thumbs and the first knuckle.  Two little thumbcakes  pancakes.

{Back to the freaking...}  My mother gave me a verbal slap in the face and told me NOT to do that.  Meanwhile, my calm, cool and collected Aunt and Uncle already had Munchkin in the kitchen.  One of them held her and ran cold water over her thumbs and the other was readying an ice pack.  And yes, all the while, my kiddo is crying, and I'm still freaking (but only on the inside.)

We calmed her (and me!) down and determined that the thumbs would stay put and there was no need for an ER trip on Thanksgiving Day.  And since I'm anal  frugal that way, I already had Christmas presents bought and wrapped.  So we decided to unwrap one of her DVD's and watch it to hopefully take her mind (and mine) off it.

I'll never forget the first time I watched Monsters, Inc., that's for sure.  We popped popcorn and watched it, with her sitting on my lap, both thumbs on an ice pack, and me feeding her popcorn.  (Incidentally, both thumbs puffed right back up.  The only evidence was on her right thumb, which was a little more squish-ed than the left.  It looked like someone had taken a fine point sharpie and dotted the pad of her thumb repeatedly.  I guess that was from the ends of the blood vessels bursting.  EW.)

Anyway, after things calmed down, would you like to know the only question my child wanted answered?

"Mommy, can I still go to school?"


Happy Saturday!

Friday, September 28, 2012

Sugar and Spice and Everything Nice....

One of my friends gave birth a few days ago, and I got to hold the baby yesterday.  It's been so long since my Munchkin was that size, I'd just about forgotten how wonderfully snuggable babies are. (Is that even a word?  "Snuggable," not "babies".)

She smelled so good, and she wasn't crying or pooping or making any of those UNwonderful baby noises at ALL.  And my friend is going to be SUCH a good Mommy.  She had already had one miscarriage, so we are all thrilled that this time everything turned out alright.  

When I think of all the women like her who want a baby so desperately, and have trouble having one, and then the women who pop them out like popcorn, and mistreat them?  OH, I can't tell you how angry it makes me. 

But this is FRIDAY and we aren't going to talk about ugly things like that today.  Not when there is a new life to celebrate. (Cue the rainbows and sparkles and happy music...).  Especially when its a bouncing baby girl that we get to spoil rotten!  (Incidentally, I'm also friends with the new baby's grandma, who happened to raise 2 BOYS, so I can't wait to watch her do all the "girlie" things she never got to do with her own kids.)

The best part came when my own daughter arrived and decided to hold the baby.  Some people have flashbacks now and again. Well, I had a flash FORWARD.  One for which I wasn't quite prepared.  For a second, that was MY baby's baby and I was a grandma.  (Just for a second.)  But I could see in that second that my Munchkin is going to be a great mom (someday.)  She held that baby with such tenderness and smiled so big when I took her picture.  I could almost see the (bright) future.  

And me without my shades....

Happy Friday!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Random Memory.....Stepmom

Have you ever watched a movie that you just LOVED, but only watched it one time?  Stepmom with Julia Roberts and Susan Sarandon is one of those movies for me.  (Yes, there is a Why, glad you asked.)

I'd say it's probably been about 13 years+ since I watched it.  It was a Sunday morning, and all was quiet in the house.  The Hubs and Munchkin were both sleeping in.  (Something I would normally do, but for some reason I was awake.)  This particular morning, as I was flipping thru the channels, I saw that Stepmom was on.

Being the movie fanatic buff that I am, I decided to watch it.  I love Julia Roberts in almost anything, and who could forget Susan Sarandon in Rocky Horror Picture Show?  (I'd love to be a fly on the wall someday in one of those theaters where they act out parts of that movie and have all these lines to say during it.  I'd be scared to actually ATTEND one of those as a human.  I mean, have you SEEN those people?)

Where was I?
Oh yes, Stepmom.  So.  Here's the scene.....I'm sitting on my couch, alone, watching this incredibly sad movie.  It's coming up to the part where the two moms are sitting in a coffee shop, discussing the children.

Isabel: (Julia Roberts, the stepmom):  Look down the road to her wedding. I'm in a room alone with her, fixing her veil, fluffing her dress, telling her no woman has ever looked so beautiful. And my fear is she'll think, "I wish my mom were here."
Jackie Harrison: (Susan Sarandon, the real mom, who is dying of cancer): And my fear is... she won't.

Somewhere in this conversation, Munchkin wakes up (she's probably, IDK, 3 years old?), comes into the living room, and sits down on the other end of the couch with one of her dolls (stuffed animal?  some toy?  I disremember).  Meanwhile, I've not only teared up, but am actively crying.  Box of Kleenex in hand, the whole 9 yards.    As I cry harder and harder, Munchkin scoots closer and closer to my end of the couch.  She's eyeing me closely, but not saying a word.  I don't think she'd ever seen her mama cry, much less SOB like I was doing. (Normally I'm not a very emotional person, but something about this movie struck a nerve.  Something about being a mom, and being scared you won't be there to see your kid grow up, or something like that.)

By the time the above lines in the conversation actually take place, she's sitting on the arm of the couch RightNextToMe.  As I TOTALLY lose it over that line, she starts patting me on the shoulder, and says, "Don't cry Mommy, it be ok."

Wow.  Many sniffles, snuggles, and cuddles later, I finally convinced her I was ok.

I think it was just the idea that if something ever did happen to me, not only would I not be around for her wedding (graduation, kids, etc.). But that she wouldn't even remember when I WAS there.  I think I can let go of that particular fear now that she's nearly 17, but at the time, it was pretty scary.

Needless to say, the next time I saw that movie for sale, I bought it.  And. Never. Watched. It. Again.
I just can't bring myself to.  I don't know if I'm scared it will bring on the same kind of reaction, or if I'm scared it won't.  But in case I ever do feel the need to watch it again, it's sitting right there on the shelf, waiting.  (Maybe when Munchkin becomes a mom, like 20 years from now!)

Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

That. Was. Awesome.

Ok, I know I've neglected you for a day or two, and I'm sorry.  No excuses other than laziness.

But on to the topic of the day.  I told you I was going on Saturday to watch my daughter march at halftime of a college game.  It was DA BOMB!  There were 18 high school bands that marched at halftime with the college band.  They put all the percussion right in the center of the field and guess who was front row!?!  My kid!  It was too cool.  They only played 2 songs (what did you expect?  they practiced for only 2 hours!).  And they didn't really "march" except onto and off of the field.  But it was still pretty neat.  And the Munchkin loved it!

This is as much of the field as I could get in one shot: (Sorry about that glare on the left.)

That square in the middle?  Those are the percussionists.  Really cool, huh.

Oh, and the game?  We won, 56-0.  

Happy Tuesday!


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Are you ready for some football????

Ok, I'm actually not THAT big a football fan.  I can follow the game, and I know what's going on most of the time.  I don't follow any certain teams, but I watch a game now and then, and I ALWAYS watch the Superbowl. kid is in the band (I was a band geek too, so as a matter of fact, I AM proud of that).  And today she gets to go participate in a Mass Band with a college band and 19 other high school bands at halftime of a college game.  Oh, and she plays percussion (I know, not many girls do that), so she'll be front and center with the drumline.  Should make for some great pictures for a scrapbook page!

So for a change, I'm actually EXCITED to go to a football game.  I would like for our local college to actually WIN the game, but that won't determine my enjoyment of the evening.  I have some good friends going, and it looks like it's going to be gorgeous tonight.  Just chilly enough to be "football weather."  So pardon me if my post is short today, because I have to go get ready.

Here's hoping you have good weather for whatever you have planned this weekend.

Happy Saturday!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Friday Blahs.....

Happy Friday!  

(Do I sound like I'm in a Friday mood??  I'm not!)

Not sure why, I usually LOVE Fridays, but for some reason, I'm in a funk today  lately.  It might be from being broke most of the time.  But at least I HAVE a job.  There are lots who don't.  Should I make this a day for counting my blessings?  I'm a little on the superstitious side, so just picture me knocking on wood like crazy as I type this. (That's not easy to do, either!)

  • As I said, I HAVE a job.  It may not be the million dollar a year job that I'd like to have, but it pays (most of) the bills.  And it's not a stressful job.  The last one I had made me want to pull my hair out on occasion.
  • I have a wonderful husband and daughter.  They both make me laugh on a regular basis.  And I am SO looking forward to the young woman my daughter is turning into.  I grow prouder of her every day.
  • I'm healthy, for the most part. My husband swears I'm a hypochondriac.  (I told him, "No, there's just a crap-ton of stuff wrong with me!)  I have the normal stuff wrong with me, high blood pressure, heartburn, etc.  Just comes with the territory of getting older.  (Right?)
  • I have a roof over my head, and food to eat.  (Too much food, probably!)
  • I have a dog that loves me.  (My daughter thinks he's HER dog, but that dog is MINE.)  Isn't he adorable???

I could make this list a lot longer, but these were the first things that popped into my head.  Not a bad list for doing it spur of the moment, huh.  

I guess I should just shut cheer up and be happy, huh....

After IS Friday!

Thursday, September 20, 2012


Have I mentioned that I like to eat?  I was that "skinny" kid in high school.  And I mean to the point that being asked if I was anorexic was a regular occurrence. (I wasn't, by the way...)  When I found out at 25 that I was pregnant, I weighed a whopping 106.  Yes, that's in pounds.
So I never had to worry about what I ate.  Hence, I never learned to eat right.  I'm still not what you would call fat, but I weigh more than I'd like.  Unfortunately, I learned to cook BEFORE I needed to do it right.
Having said's what I fixed for supper tonight:

  • Pork chops: salt, pepper, flour, deep fry. (I used to fry them in a skillet, but it takes too freaking long, and they're better deep fried anyway.)
  • Fried green tomatoes: slice paper thin, salt, pepper, corn meal, fry. (Deep fry or pan fry.  I pan fried, because, HELLO, I had pork chops in the deep fryer!) (And if you are from some weird part of the country where they don't actually eat fried green tomatoes, you MUST try them.)
  • Homemade white gravy:  melt bacon grease (I told you I don't cook healthy!), add flour, milk, cook until it's gravy.  (Hard to explain how to do it, it just takes practice.)
  • Whole kernel corn: dump in a bowl and nuke.
  • Green beans:  dump in a pan, add salt and bacon grease (I'm telling you, bacon grease comes from the food gods).  Simmer until done.
I ate my fair share, but not enough so I was foundered.*
I've really tried to cut back on the amount I eat, even if it's not that healthy, maybe eating less will keep me from having to be removed from my house with a crane at some point.

So happy Thursday, and I hope you enjoyed your supper as much as I did!



2  [foun-der]  Show IPA
verb (used without object)
(of a ship, boat, etc.) to fill with water and sink.
to fall or sink down, as buildings, ground, etc.: Built on aformer lake bed, the building has foundered nearly ten feet.
to become wrecked; fail utterly: The project founderedbecause public support was lacking.
to stumble, break down, or go lameas a horse: His mountfoundered on the rocky path.
to become ill from overeating.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

SO Gorgeous!

OMG!  What a beautiful day we're having here!  After the hellish sweltering days of summer, talk about a welcome change.   Started out around 40 degrees, and now in the afternoon, it's around 75.  I'm not sure which I love more, the days like this that come after a hot, horribly dry, summer.....or the ones that come after winter has had us in its icy grip.

Either way, they remind me of the days when I was a teenager in our small town.  And I'm seriously not talking about the kind of "small" that John Cougar Mellencamp was talking about in his song, where he's referring to Indianapolis, IN.  (Seriously?)  I'm referring to a town with LESS than 4000 people.  (You could probably count cats and dogs and not get over 4500.)

We don't have a Walmart, a McDonald's, a Dairy Queen, or even a Taco Bell.  (There are rumors of a McDonald's, but I'll believe it when I'm chomping down on a Big Mac and fries!)  We do have a Fred's and a Dollar General, a Subway, and even a Sonic.  But that's about the end of the "chains."

When I was a kid, on Friday and Saturday nights, all the teenagers with cars would go "uptown" and "cruise".  Those who didn't have a car, almost always had a friend who did.  I could pack several kids into my El Camino (no jokes, please).  It was a lot easier to stuff a car back then, cause you didn't have to wear a seatbelt.  It's a wonder most of us survived!

Now, when I say "uptown" and cruise, please don't picture a long strip of town that we cruised around on.  It consisted of going from our Sonic at one end of town, to the "court square" and back.  We're talking less than 2 miles one way.  There were some nights when I literally put over 100 miles on my car without ever leaving town.  Once, I went uptown and parked my car and just stood around visiting with my friends on one of the many empty parking lots in town.  (The cue when you met someone to get them to "pull over" was to flash your lights, and your friends knew look for you on the side of the road on their next pass thru town.)
Anyway, when I got home, I bragged to my parents about only putting 7 miles on my car that night.  The response?  "It's not 7 miles to town..."  Oops...

But there was nothing better than cruising town on a Sunday afternoon that has weather like today's has been, with the radio blasting all those great 80s hits.  Brings back some big hair memories.

Happy Hump Day!


Monday, September 17, 2012

A new outlook

What is it about a new (good) haircut that can change your whole outlook on life? 

I've been wearing my hair up in a ponytail for the past two months, because I've been trying to "grow it out."  I hate my hair long, but the Hubs and the Munchkin like it that way, so I was trying to  make them happy humor them.  Well, I got to the point, I JUST couldn't stand it any longer.  I don't know if I've mentioned it, but at heart I'm a lazy person.  So I am NOT going to stand at the mirror and spend more than 10 min working on it!  Sue me.  So ever since it got to the length where it might take some "time,"  up in a ponytail it's been!

But I digress......on Friday, I got to the point I couldn't stand it any longer (pun intended).  I texted my hairdresser stylist and bless her, she had an opening at just about the time I was to get off work.  Soooo....I didn't tell a soul I was doing it, I just went and got it cut!

And. I. love. it.!!!!

It's SO easy.  Just run a flat iron thru it, and it's done! 

Back to the outlook on life thing.....I was in such a good mood after getting that done, that I got up Saturday, cooked a big breakfast for the fam, and swept AND mopped my floors!!!!!!!!!!!  Watched a movie and piddled around on the computer for a while.  Got up Sunday, went to church, came home and spent two.whole.hours. working on cleaning up my scrapbook room!!!  For the last 6 months, I've walked into that room, took a deep breath, and le-sigh....walked right back out.  Then I took some pics from TWO school years ago, and got them arranged in their album. 

Who would've thought a haircut could do all that?  I better not let the Hubs know about this, or he'll have the clippers out while I'm sleeping!

Happy Monday!!


Friday, September 14, 2012

Movies, Movies, and more Movies...

Mindless Movie Meme, Part I

(I stole this Meme from my new favorite blog, Can't Get There From Here, but she did it about 4 years ago, so I don't feel bad about stealing it.  And since I'm a HUGE movie nut, I couldn't resist this one.)

SUPPOSEDLY if you’ve seen over 85 films, you have no life. Mark the ones you’ve seen. There are 239 films on this list. Put x’s next to the films you’ve seen, add them up, and marvel at how whoever is running the Cultural Literacy Society can let you live.

(x) Rocky Horror Picture Show
(x) Grease
(x) Pirates of the Caribbean
(x) Pirates of the Caribbean 2: Dead Man’s Chest
() Boondock Saints
() Fight Club
() Starsky and Hutch
(x) Neverending Story
(x) Blazing Saddles
(x) Airplane
Total: 7
(x) The Princess Bride
() Anchorman
(x) Napoleon Dynamite
() Labyrinth
(x) Saw
(x ) Saw II
(x) White Noise
() White Oleander
(x) Anger Management
(x) 50 First Dates
() The Princess Diaries
() The Princess Diaries 2: Royal Engagement
Total so far: 14
() Scream 2
() Scream 3
(x) Scary Movie
() Scary Movie 2
() Scary Movie 3
(x ) Scary Movie 4
() American Pie
() American Pie 2
() American Wedding
() American Pie Band Camp
Total so far: 16
(x) Harry Potter 1
(x) Harry Potter 2
(x) Harry Potter 3
(x) Harry Potter 4
() Resident Evil 1
() Resident Evil 2
(x) The Wedding Singer
() Little Black Book
(x) The Village
(x) Lilo & Stitch
Total so far: 23
(x) Finding Nemo
(x) Finding Neverland
(x) Signs
(x) The Grinch
() Texas Chainsaw Massacre
() Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Beginning
() White Chicks
() Butterfly Effect
(x) 13 Going on 30
(x) I, Robot
(x) Robots
Total so far: 30
(x) Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story
() Universal Soldier
() Lemony Snicket: A Series Of Unfortunate Events
() Along Came Polly
(x) Deep Impact
() KingPin
() Never Been Kissed
(x) Meet The Parents
(x) Meet the Fockers
() Eight Crazy Nights
() Joe Dirt
Total so far: 34
(x) A Cinderella Story
(x) The Terminal
(x) The Lizzie McGuire Movie
() Passport to Paris
(x) Dumb & Dumber
() Dumber & Dumberer
() Final Destination
(x) Final Destination 2
() Final Destination 3
() Halloween
(x) The Ring
(x) The Ring 2
() Surviving X-MAS
(x) Flubber
Total so far: 42
(x) Harold & Kumar Go To White Castle
(x) Practical Magic
() Chicago
() Ghost Ship
() From Hell
(x) Hellboy
() Secret Window
() I Am Sam
(x) The Whole Nine Yards
() The Whole Ten Yards
Total so far: 46
(x) The Day After Tomorrow
(x) Child’s Play
() Seed of Chucky
() Bride of Chucky
() Ten Things I Hate About You
() Just Married
(x) Gothika
(x) Nightmare on Elm Street
(x) Sixteen Candles
(x) Remember the Titans
(x) Coach Carter
(x) The Grudge
(x) The Grudge 2
(x) The Mask
() Son Of The Mask
Total so far: 56
(x) Bad Boys
() Bad Boys 2
() Joy Ride
() Lucky Number Slevin
(x) Ocean’s Eleven
() Ocean’s Twelve
(x) Bourne Identity
(x) Bourne Supremacy
() Lone Star
(x) Bedazzled
(x) Predator I
(x) Predator II
() The Fog
(x) Ice Age
(x) Ice Age 2: The Meltdown
() Curious George
Total so far: 65
(x) Independence Day
() Cujo
() A Bronx Tale
() Darkness Falls
(x) Christine
(x) ET
(x) Children of the Corn
() My Bosses Daughter
() Maid in Manhattan
(x) War of the Worlds
(x) Rush Hour
(x) Rush Hour 2
Total so far: 72
( ) Best Bet
(x) How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days
(x) She’s All That
() Calendar Girls
() Sideways
() Mars Attacks
() Event Horizon
(x) Ever After
(x) Wizard of Oz
(x) Forrest Gump
() Big Trouble in Little China
(x) The Terminator
(x) The Terminator 2
(x) The Terminator 3
Total so far: 80
(x X-Men
(x) X-2
(x) X-3
(x) Spider-Man
() Spider-Man 2
(x) Sky High
(x) Jeepers Creepers
(x) Jeepers Creepers 2
(x) Catch Me If You Can
(x) The Little Mermaid
(x) Freaky Friday
() Reign of Fire
() The Skulls
() Cruel Intentions
() Cruel Intentions 2
() The Hot Chick
(x) Shrek
(x) Shrek 2
Total so far: 92
() Swimfan
(x) Miracle on 34th street
(x) Old School
(x) The Notebook
(x) K-Pax
(x) Krippendorf’s Tribe
(x) A Walk to Remember
() Ice Castles
() Boogeyman
(x) The 40-year-old Virgin
Total so far: 99
(x) Lord of the Rings Fellowship of the Ring
(x) Lord of the Rings The Two Towers
(x) Lord of the Rings Return Of the King
(x) Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark
(x) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom
(x) Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade
Total so far: 105
() Basketball
(x) Hostel
() Waiting for Guffman
() House of 1000 Corpses
() Devils Rejects
(x) Elf
() Highlander
() Mothman Prophecies
() American History X
() Three
Total so Far: 107
() The Jacket
() Kung Fu Hustle
() Shaolin Soccer
() Night Watch
(x) Monsters Inc.
(x) Titanic
(x) Monty Python and the Holy Grail
() Shaun Of the Dead
() Willard
Total so far: 110
() High Tension
() Club Dread
() Hulk
() Dawn Of the Dead
(x) Hook
(x) Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
() 28 days later
() Orgazmo
() Phantasm
(x) Waterworld
Total so far: 113
() Kill Bill vol 1
() Kill Bill vol 2
() Mortal Kombat
() Wolf Creek
() Kingdom of Heaven
(x) the Hills Have Eyes
() I Spit on Your Grave aka the Day of the Woman
(x) The Last House on the Left
() Re-Animator
() Army of Darkness
Total so far: 115
() Star Wars Ep. I The Phantom Menace
()Star Wars Ep. II Attack of the Clones
() Star Wars Ep. III Revenge of the Sith
(x) Star Wars Ep. IV A New Hope
(x) Star Wars Ep. V The Empire Strikes Back
(x) Star Wars Ep. VI Return of the Jedi
() Ewoks Caravan Of Courage
() Ewoks The Battle For Endor
Total so far: 118
(x) The Matrix
(x) The Matrix Reloaded
(x) The Matrix Revolutions
() Evil Dead
() Evil Dead 2
() Team America: World Police
() Red Dragon
(x) Silence of the Lambs
() Hannibal
Grand Total: 122. Wow....Appparently I do NOT have a life, huh!!!. Now – ‘fess up. What’s your score?

(Since this was a part I, I assume somewhere down the line is a part II.  I fully intend to steal that one as well, as soon as I get to it!)

Thursday, September 13, 2012

A little info....

I've just come across something other bloggers are doing, called a meme.  Basically it's a list of questions, someone, somewhere has come up with.  I've seen a lot of these go around on email, but I never knew what it was called.  I found a basic one and decided to answer it here.

1. How long have you been blogging?
a big whopping week!
2. Did you go to college?
 yes, for about 2 1/2 years, no degree

3. Where have you traveled?
only within the continental US.  West only as far as Oklahoma City and Dallas, East to Florida (does that also count as South?)  North to Michigan.
4. Which celebrity do you get mistaken for?
Pffft......Really???  You need to view my profile pic again....NONE.
5. What are your three biggest pet peeves?
oooohhh.....only three?
Number one would have to be someone who pulls out in front of me in traffic, drives slower than me, and then turns off less than a block later. (Bonus points if there is NO traffic behind me!)
Number two, grammar/spelling mistakes in printed media or on the internet.  It should actually be a criminal offense to misuse some words. (There, their, they're.....your, you', too, two...)
Number three, I'll go with an easy one....toilet paper coming off the BOTTOM of the roll instead of the top.  AUGHHHHH!  (I've been known to change it in restrooms that are NOT mine.)
6. What is your favorite movie?
Hands down.... Princess Bride!  Ultimately quotable!
7. What is your drink of choice; wine, beer, or liquor. Or Water, Soda, Tea?
Not a big alcohol drinker.  I drink a lot of water, but my favorite soda is Mt.Dew.
8. What is something you enjoy to do when you have me time? 

9. What is your biggest phobia?
A little claustrophobic, but not to the point of incapacitation.  (It does make me VERY uncomfortable watching  Mike Rowe get into some of the tight spots he crawls into, tho.)

10. Share with us an embarrassing moment of your past?
Does my entire middle school career count?
11. What day would you love to relive again? Why?
Well, if you'd asked what my most cherished day was, I'd say the birth of my daughter, but that's NOT one I'd like to relive.  Not sure I'd want to relive any.  I loved the 80's, but I just don't think my hair could take going back, even for one day.
12. If your life was turned into a movie… what actor would your best friend think should play you?
not a clue.  A movie about my life would be pretty boring.
13. What are the jobs you had in high school/college/the early years?
Every job I've ever had was in an office.
14. Show us a picture from high school or college. 
not gonna happen....
15. If you could travel anywhere in the world, all expenses paid, where would you go?
16. Where do you see your life 6 and 1/2 years from now?
By then my daughter will be graduating from college and starting on her own life.  I MIGHT be over the empty nest thing by then, but I'm not sure.

17. If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be and why?
Don't think I would choose that, even if I could.  We're not supposed to stay the same, we're supposed to keep moving forward.

18. What 5 songs are included on the soundtrack to your life? (You can pick "Middle School", "High School", "College", "Post College" or any format you like.)

Mine would have to be anything from the 80s.  Not only did I listen to 80's music THEN, I still listen to it now.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

New Loves

Have you ever noticed how exciting something is when it's new?  I remember being a kid and learning to ride a bike, the first time I smoked a cigarette (a quitter for over 17 years now, and I still miss it).  Driving, sex, new music.  None of this stuff is in any particular order, of course.
I also remember somewhere around 1990-91....discovering the internet.  SO much information and SO many places to find it!  Of course, the new wears off of anything, and the internet was no different.  Now it's just a tool we use to find things out.  Stuff we used to have to actually pull out a book for, or Heaven forbid, go to the library!
I also discovered a treasure trove of genealogy sites soon after discovering the internet which just so happened to coincide with my discovery of genealogy itself.  And being an information junkie can imagine my joy!
I hadn't made a discovery of anything new in several years, but recently I have.  And it's the blogosphere. (Cue angelic music).  SO many people willing to open up their lives and tell us about it.  And they all sound like they are talking directly to ME.  (Yes, I know they aren't. But still.) 
I love hearing about all of Jen's organizing tips over at I Heart Organizing.
I cry and laugh along with all of Mir's readers when she tells us about all of Monkey's shenanigans and all of Chickie's problems and successes over at Woulda Coulda Shoulda.
There are SO many good ones out there, I could quit my job and just read, read, read.  But I can't do that, so I just pick thru and find my favorites.
My most recent discovery is Katie at Can't Get There From Here. Most blogs, I go back and read a little ways back and try to get the gist of who they are and if it's a blog I want to follow.  But this one?  I was hooked.  I've gone back to the beginning (2008!).  At the moment I've made it to October of 08, but I plan to read the whole thing.  She has a great writing style and she's funny too.
Jump over there and just TRY not to get hooked.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Always Remember

I'll always remember where I was on 9/11/01.  I'm sure you do too.  Just like the generation before us remembers where they were when Kennedy was shot, and the generation before remembers Pearl Harbor.  I can't imagine what it would've been like to lose someone in the Twin Towers.  I hope we all take at least one moment to stop and think of and pray for all the people left behind that are reliving that day today.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Hence the name....

So has anyone been wondering about the name of my blog?  "2Many2Little."  It means, simply, that I have too many hobbies, and too little time to work on all of them.
Let's see....
  • Scrapbooking
    • Started this one when my daughter was born.  I’ve actually kept it up pretty well.  I have an album for every year of school starting with Kindergarten. (She’s a Junior now!)
  • Reading
    • I have LOVED reading as long as I can remember.  Some of my favorites:
      • Stephen King.  My ABSOLUTE favorite.  If you haven’t read his Dark Tower Series, you need to. 
      • With a teen-aged daughter, I’ve naturally read the Twilight Series.
      • Also Vampire Academy
      • Ditto Hunger Games
      • Can’t STAND romance novels
  • Genealogy
    • Most people get interested in this when their parents pass on.  I was raised by my grandparents, so this bug hit me earlier than for most.  I was lucky in that I found some basic information in my grandfather’s papers, and was able to expand from there.   (The paper I found was 13 pages long.  After adding information to it for the last 20 years it’s now 192 pages!)
    • Some good sites to get you started:
  • Pinterest
    • This is the most addicting thing ever.  Being crafty and wanting to be organized….I can’t help myself!
    • My Pinterest page if you want to follow me.
  • Facebook
    • Jumped on this bandwagon a couple of years ago, and never looked back. I have reconnected with SO many people from long ago.  I don’t know how people ever found anyone without it!
  • Farmville
    • My guiltiest pleasure.  Have been playing (almost) since the beginning.  It’s one of those games that is frustrating and fun at the same time.  (The best kind.)
And with it being football/marching season, and my daughter being the band geek that she is….I likely won’t get a ton of stuff done on this list until oh…Spring?  So much for MAKING my Christmas cards this year!
I’m sure the minute I hit “post” on this, I’ll remember 10 more things I like to do, but these are the biggies.

What are your hobbies?